Italian flower designer living in Valencia. View her profile at Hi,hi Guide
If you were afraid you didn’t get enough tasty food in Valencia, you don’t have to worry. We’ve asked Pina for her insider tips and it would be a wonder if you were still hungry after everything she recommends. Let’s start.
Breakfast Time

Breakfast counts as a solid foundation for the rest of the day. Pina recommends Tostada (toasted bread) with Tomato and Spanish Jamón.
Almuerzo Time

Almuerzo is the typical Spanish break before lunch (around 10:30 – 11:00). You could call it the lunch before the lunch, or late second breakfast, or just Almuerzo.
What’s on the menu? A Valencian Sandwich
Choose from bocadillo de Chivito (thin slices beef with mozzarella, tomatoes, olives and mayonnaise), Brascada (beef and Spanish ham), Blanco y Negro (Classic Spanish sausage), Pepito (steak with Worchester sauce), with Calamares fritos en la Pergola (fried Calamari.
If you are ready for it, you can enjoy a glass of wine with your food. Some Valencians mix the wine with water into a sort of ‘Wine-lemonade’.
Lunch Time

Before you know, it’s already time for the next meal: LUNCH.
Pina’s recommendations are: Arroz al horno (a Spanish rice dish slightly different than Paëlla), Ali y Pebre (a stew of eel and potato), Gazpacho (a cold soup made of vegetables), Cocido (a stew of chickpea with meat and other vegetable).
Sweet Break

Where Englishmen drink afternoon tea, Valencian locals drink Horchata in the afternoon. It looks like milk, but it’s made of tiger nuts which are grown in the Valencian province. It’s recommended to have Fartons together with your Horchata. These are bar-shaped sponge cakes that are glazed with sugar. Don’t hesitate to dip your Farton in your Horchata!!
Where: Horchateria Santa Catalina (Plaça de Santa Caterina 6) and Horchateria Fabian (Carrer de Ciscar 5)
Dinner Time

If you are still wondering why Spanish people dine in the late evening, add up the calories from everything mentioned above and you’ll understand why.
But it would be a shame to pass on dinner.
Pina would recommend Spanish Tapas, such as Spanish omelette, Patatas Bravas, Calamari, Mussels and many more.
Don’t forget to treat your tastebuds with Agua de Valencia (Valencian Water), which is a cocktail with cava or champagne, orange juice, vodka and gin mixed up.
Explore more Valencian delicacies with Pina
Pina can take you to Valencian markets where you can taste even more Valencian and other Spanish delicacies. She takes you to places you otherwise would not have found and lets you taste things you otherwise would not have tasted!